Applied Digital Skill 1 - Digital Literacy


Teknologi Digital dan Dunia Kerja

Explore a Topic: Technology at Work


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain how technology creates new jobs and changes the way people work

  • Recognize information and innovation as key drivers of today’s economy

  • Describe various ways technology continuously changes the workplace

  • Identify different ways technology is used in jobs that may not be typically thought of as “tech” jobs

  • Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits

  • Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences

Explore a Topic: Technology, Ethics, and Security


  • reread your post to make sure what you're saying is clear.

  • keep your posts short and concise.

  • keep your posts on topic.

  • spell-check.


  • make fun of someone else's thoughts or opinions -- respecting your classmates helps ensure everyone can maximize the benefits of a discussion board.

  • immediately respond to a post in anger -- responding to a post in anger may lead to classmate resentment. Also, other classmates may not be as inclined to participate in fear of how others may respond. Keep the discussion board friendly and on topic.


  • Before sending a message, consider whether you would say what you have written to the person's face. The detached nature of email will sometimes embolden people to say things they would never say in person.

Use Digital Tool for Every Task




Create a Google Account


Record and Share Ideas for 

Things to Do


Search for Activities


Email Your Friend or Classmate

Explore Career Paths in Local Industries

Materi :

1. Unit Introduction

Introduction to Use Digital Tools for Everyday Tasks

2. Create a Google Account

1. Set Up a Username

2. Create a Strong Password

3. Using Your Google Account

4. Activity Wrap-Up: Creating and Exploring a Google Account

3. Record and Share Ideas for Things to Do

1. Use a Document to Write Down and Share Information

2. Create and Name a Document

3. Add Ideas to Your Document

4. Make Your Document Easier to Read

5. Add Your Thoughts to Your Document

6. Activity Wrap-Up: Online Documents as Communication Tools

4. Search for Activities

1. Introduction to Search for Activities

2. Search Using Search Terms

3. Use Keywords to Refine Your Search

4. Use a Document to Record Search Resultsattachment

5. Activity Wrap-Up: Use an Internet Search to Find Activities

5. Email Your Friend or Classmate

1. Gmail Overview

2. Type a Message

3. Insert a File from Google Drive or Add an Attachment

4. Gmail Wrap-Up

6. Personalise Emails and Manage Your Inbox

1. Open and Reply to Emails

2. Format Your Email

3. Add an Image to Your Email

4. Manage Your Email Inbox

5. Continue Writing Emails

7.Unit Wrap-Up: Digital Tools for Everyday Tasks

Unit Wrap-Up
